martes, 31 de enero de 2017

XYSMA "Swarming of the Maggots" DEMO

XYSMA es la respuesta finlandesa a bandas como CARCASS y NAPALM DEATH, un sonido grind brutal, los inicios del gore... este demo del 89 "Swarming of the Maggots" es una madriza auditiva

1. Pulsating Cerebral Slime 01:23
2. Pulverized Necrobrains 01:27
3. Gripping Slaughter 00:38
4. Festering Sore 00:16
5. Procreated from Blood 01:42
6. Sudden Impulse 01:31
7. Unanaesthetic Genitoplasty 00:16
8. Fetid Gurgitation 00:08
9. Fleshsaw 01:12
10.Pathologists Perversitys 00:24
11.Priests Fomented in Excrements 00:45
12.Charred Limbs 00:36
13.Drown Oneself 00:50
14.Burbed Rectum 02:27
15.Phrenetic Chainsaw Suicide 00:54
16.Evisceration 01:43
17.Vacant Mind 00:25
18.Deceiver (Napalm Death cover)


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