miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012


Mahafsoun is a beautiful Canadian girl with eastern roots and besides being very simple and have beautiful eyes is Bellydance dancer, alternative model and photographer, has shared the stage with Epica, thank you very much for your time for this interview was done very quickly .
Enjoy the interview and their work, follow it and support her
Bellydance is a so beatiful dance and you do it great, youre very young also, when you start with that?
- Thank you. I started dancing when I was 15.

Your roots influence you?
- Absolutely. I was born and raised in an environment filled with beautiful Middle Eastern art surrounding me, asides from beautiful women who danced, and who ended up inspiring me in the long run.

Bellydance is not just a dance, its a mix or art, spiritual... How you prepare, I mean, your workout...
- It's natural to me, I don't do much to prepare for a performance. I just make sure that I sleep enough and not eat much right before I perform. If the performance is important, I will make sure that I get a lot of work out in the week of it to keep my body flexible.

Any special diet?
- No, I just eat healthy and try to keep my active.

Besides Bellydance, youre a model...
Also, you colaborate with photographers with your ideas, what inspires you?
- I do some modelling, yes, but I don't consider myself "a model", though I feel flattered when people think that I am. I just don't invest as much time for modelling as I do for bellydancing. I simply do it because I truly enjoy it, and well... what girl wouldn't love some good photos of herself? It also challenges me to try out new styles, practice my makeup techniques and be creative.

How your start as a model?
- I've always taken photos of myself since I always had themes in my head that I wanted to bring out on photos. I had no model, so I used myself as a model. Then I started working with local photographers, and it picked up from there. I now have done many photoshoots and worked with tons of wonderful people who helped me bring my visions to life.

What kind of modeling you like the most?
- Alternative styles.

And what kind of shoots you will not accept?
- I don't do any nudes, since I don't need that. As I said, I am not only a model, so I get to choose every project I get involved in, and am not required to accept most of them. I appreciate the art behind it, and I do see beauty in some nude photography, but it's not something I would do. I also wouldn't do any photoshoots where the message comes off as hateful, discriminative or anything of that nature.

Now about music, you also play piano...
Your piano influences?
- Just like modelling, it is also a hobby. My main influence is strong emotions.

How you mix Bellydance, photography, modeling and piano?, how you can have time for all?
- On a daily basis, I create. I am either taking photos of nature, doing photoshoots, editing the photos, dancing, editing the dance videos, playing the piano or practicing my dance. This is simply my daily lifestyle, and I share what I create. It does get a little crazy at times, but it pays off as well.

where can we see your work?, FB, youtube, etc...
- I am on YouTube, DeviantART, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and basically on most social networking websites under "Mahafsoun".

Any future plans?
- A lot. 2013 will be just as productive, if not more, than 2012 was.

Thank you very much for this interview! Keep up with my work on www.facebook.com/MahafsounArt for all of my upcoming and ongoing projects.

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